The principle of multi-line cycle and the function of each component

Compressed by the compressor, the original low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas is compressed into high-temperature and high-pressure superheated steam, and then discharged from the exhaust pipe of the compressor. After the high-temperature and high-pressure gaseous refrigerant is discharged from the exhaust pipe of the compressor, it is sent into the condenser through the electromagnetic four-way valve. The high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas enters the condenser, and the condenser is cooled by the axial fan. The refrigerant in the pipeline is cooled and sent out as a medium-temperature and high-pressure liquid refrigerant; after the medium-temperature and high-pressure liquid refrigerant is sent out through the condenser, it passes through the pipe check valve, passes through the dry filter, and then passes through the electronic expansion valve to throttle and reduce pressure. It turns into a low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant liquid, which is then sent to the pipelines of the indoor units.

The principle of heating is basically the same as that of refrigeration, the difference is that the valve block in the electromagnetic four-way valve is controlled by the circuit system to change direction, thereby changing the flow direction of the refrigerant and realizing the conversion from cooling to heating.

Analysis of each component of the multi-line

Compressor (1): The heart of the refrigeration system, which sucks in low-temperature and low-pressure gaseous refrigerant and discharges high-temperature and high-pressure gaseous refrigerant. The compressor is the power of the refrigeration system.

Compressor heating belt (2): Increase the temperature of the compressor to volatilize the liquid refrigerant inside into a gaseous state to avoid liquid shock to the compressor. Generally, the heating belt really works when the power is turned on for the first time after installation, or when it is not turned on for a long time in winter.

Compressor discharge temperature sensing package (3): Detect the discharge temperature of the compressor to prevent the discharge temperature of the compressor from exceeding the set temperature, so as to achieve the function of controlling and protecting the compressor.

High-pressure switch (4): When the exhaust pressure of the compressor exceeds the action value of the high-pressure switch, the feedback signal will stop the operation of the whole machine immediately, so as to protect the compressor.

Oil separator (5): to separate the lubricating oil in the high-pressure steam discharged from the refrigeration compressor. At this time, the oil separator is used to separate the refrigerant and oil in the system to prevent a large amount of refrigeration oil from entering the refrigeration system and the compressor is short of oil. At the same time, through the separation, the heat transfer effect in the condenser and evaporator is improved.

Oil homogenizer (6): The function of the oil homogenizer is to “balance the oil level between different parts of the air conditioning system” to prevent partial oil shortage.

Check valve (7): In the refrigeration system, it prevents the reverse flow of refrigerant, prevents high-pressure gas from entering the compressor, and quickly balances the pressure of suction and discharge of the compressor.

High pressure sensor (8): Detect the real-time high pressure value of the refrigeration system, if the high pressure value exceeds the value, the feedback signal will protect the compressor and do other control.

Four-way valve (9): The four-way valve consists of three parts: pilot valve, main valve and solenoid coil. The left or right valve plug is opened and closed by switching on and off the electromagnetic coil current, so that the left and right capillary tubes can be used to control the pressure on both sides of the valve body, so that the slider in the valve body slides left and right under the action of the pressure difference to switch The flow direction of the refrigerant to achieve the purpose of cooling or heating.

Condenser (10): The condenser is the high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant vapor discharged from the cooling compressor, where the high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas condenses and exchanges heat with the air by forced convection.

Fan (11): The main function is to strengthen convective heat transfer, increase heat transfer effect, absorb heat and dissipate cooling when cooling, and absorb cold and dissipate heat when heating.

Defrost temperature sensing package (12): It controls the reset temperature of defrosting. When the set temperature of the temperature sensing package is reached, the defrosting will stop. For defrosting detection control

Electronic expansion valve (13): The function of the electronic expansion valve is throttling. The main difference from the capillary thermal expansion valve is that it relies on a controller to control the opening. The opening of the valve port can be adjusted according to the needs to control the flow. The use of electronic expansion valve can make the flow regulation more accurate, but the price is relatively expensive.

One-way valve (14): prevents the refrigerant from flowing backwards in the refrigeration system.

Subcooler electronic expansion valve (15): Control the subcooling degree of the liquid pipe refrigerant during the cooling operation of the system, reduce the capacity loss of the pipeline, and increase the cooling capacity of the refrigeration system.

Subcooler liquid outlet temperature sensor (16): Detect the temperature of the liquid pipe and send it to the control panel to adjust the opening of the electronic expansion valve.

Gas separation inlet pipe temperature sensing package (17): detect the temperature of the inlet pipe of the gas-liquid separator to avoid the liquid return operation of the compressor.

Outlet temperature sensor of the subcooler (18): detect the gas side temperature of the subcooler, input it to the control panel, and adjust the opening of the expansion valve.

Gas separation pipe temperature sensing package (19): detect the internal state of the gas-liquid separator, and further control the suction state of the compressor

Environmental temperature sensing package (20): detects the ambient temperature in which the outdoor unit operates.

Low pressure sensor (21): Detect the low pressure of the refrigeration system. If the low pressure is too low, the signal will be fed back to avoid the failure of the compressor caused by the low operating pressure.

Gas-liquid separator (22): The main function of the gas-liquid separator is to store part of the refrigerant in the system to prevent the compressor from liquid shock and excessive refrigerant from diluting the compressor oil.

Unloading valve (23): The main function of the unloading valve is to automatically control unloading or loading, avoiding the dead zone of the pipeline and causing excessive pressure.


Post time: Dec-02-2022