Supermarket display speed becomes 8 -step method

20140423_134740一、 Display content

1. Simple piles (swing) of the product can not be considered displayed

As far as the supermarket is concerned, it is the significance of displaying and buying with the eyes of customers to facilitate finding and buying.

2. Display skills

With the eyes of customers, the product is the main body, and the attributes (color, weight, attributes, etc.) and display appliances of the product itself can be used to achieve the way the customer is easy to buy.

3. How to combine the products displayed: follow the organization table

Customer purchase habits: -The coherentity between large classification; —— The coherence between single categories in the single category

Large classification: beverages, drinking and drinking, grain and oil, north -south goods, rushing, and washing

Small classification: coffee, partner, sugar, fruit treasure, honey, oatmeal, milk powder

A: From the perspective of customers: demand, large classification, small classification, color, price, price, brand, size, weight, nature

B: Demonstrate according to the most important and determined order

. Display principles

1. Display according to the principle of large and medium -sized classification of commodity organizations (classified vertical/single -product horizontal);

2. Display according to the principle of advanced (FIFO);

3. To facilitate the “three easy” principles of customers (easy to take, easy to choose, easy to see);

“Three Easy” principles:

A. Easy to see:

a. All product names and labels must be facing customers

b. Each product cannot be blocked by other products (consistent before and after)

c. Imported products should be marked with Chinese

d. The price card should correspond to the location of the product, and the price is clear

e. The mark must be filled in clearly, and the name of the factory cannot be referred to

f. Category signs should be eye -catching

B. Easy selection:

a. Exhibition according to classification

b. According to the price display (1 yuan …. series)

c. According to the color display (the same color from small to deep or opposite)

d. According to the brand display

e. According to gender display (men and women)

f. According to material display

C. Easy to get:

a. Display position recognition of people can reach

b. Adjust the top of the product and the layer plate (the principle of 2 finger)

c. The product display must not be too crowded and convenient for customers to buy (plump);

-P front, neat, clean, full, and aesthetics

-D display to pursue beauty, neatness, cleaning, and fullness.

. Exhibition method

1. counter display

2. Conventional shelf display

3. Display desk (frame) display

4. Promotion cars display

5. The ceiling suspension display display

6. Wall and pillars display

7. Storage cabinet display

8. Card (stack) board show

四. display tool

1. Shelf, counter

2. Fresh preservation cabinet

3. Price card

4. Revelation sign

5. Promotion card

6. Decoration

7. Display desk

8. Promotion car

9. Steel net

10. Stack board

11. Other related tools

五.display category

1. Positioning display is the fixed -point positioning display;

2. Change display:

Refers to the display names that are specially designed by the positioning of the positioning of the positioning of the positioning of the positioning of the positioning.

It is usually designed for some kind of marketing purpose. The deadline is not long.

But the most often drives the activity of the store.

content include:

1) A sense of quantity display: The product is displayed in group display to customers with thin and cheap goods; (1.5 meters of pile head/4 pile heads).

2) Close display: The store specializes in the purpose of creating an atmosphere of a purpose in a certain position, as chaotic as a small stall on the roadside, and the product is cheap by customers;

3) end -frame display: also known as TG platform/N set;

4) Large display: The entire box display is demolished in the store space or the end frame is disassembled, and a single product or 2-3 items are quantified;


A. Price advantage;

B. Seasonal demand is large;

C. The festival color is strong;

D. A large number of new -listed media promotes products;

5) Series display: Variety and variety associated, will be displayed in the same position with association, it is best to have a display theme;

6) Related display: Different classifications but have a complementary role display together;

7) Digou display: the concave salamander’s show;

8) Highlighting display: that is, the convex display will be displayed by the noodles or next to the product display related products;

9) Comparison display: Categorize and display the same products according to the number of different specifications for customers to buy first.


. Exhibition method

1. Line display method;

2. Composition display method;

3. Curve display method;

4. Hanging display method;

5. Tower -shaped display method;

6, head and tail display method;

7, trapezoidal display method;

8. Display method (mop, hanger) of the head and tail.

七.row design

Upper paragraph: To be cultivated, unknown;

Middle section (40%): Golden line 1.2-1.6m. High strength/faster sales

The next paragraph (35%): 0.6-1.2m of silver line.

The bottom layer: fast turn rate, large volume, large weight, whole piece.

八.How to display

1), special list:

1. Display in a straight (vertical) classification, and the items are displayed in a horizontal (horizontal) manner;

2. Based on the price: Any small category, in principle, from the cheapest to the most expensive display on the shelf, from the lowest to the top, but the clothing is based on the customer’s moving line (clockwise).

2) Following the displays:

1. In case of the shortage of goods, the shelves are overhead (put the “out of stock label”) and replenish it as soon as possible;

2. It is forbidden to fill out the out of stock with other goods (the inferior coin is driven by the prime currency);

3. Sign the price at the leftmost corner of the one -meter shelves;

4. Adjust the display (rectification) by sales;

5. When the display exceeds a certain limit, the increase in display does not increase the sales volume (marginal utility/elasticity coefficient).


Post time: Apr-06-2023