How to prevent cold storage safety hazards accidents?

1 Water problems

Cold storage is particularly prone to icing problems due to the presence of cooling equipment, stored food and other items, and low ambient temperatures, which can lead to water leaks. In the process of use, once the problem of water leakage occurs, it is easy to cause the loss of people and goods, so maintenance and management should be strengthened, timely detection and elimination of hidden dangers.

2Fire risk

Due to the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants in cold storage, the fire resistance is poor, which can easily cause fire accidents. Once a fire occurs, it is easy to cause casualties and property damage due to the small space and few exits in cold storage. Therefore, it must be equipped with effective fire extinguishing devices and alarm equipment to detect and respond to fire accidents in a timely manner.


3Improper ventilation management

Cold storage temperature is low, improper ventilation management will directly affect the temperature of the storage, thus affecting the quality of stored goods. A reasonable ventilation system can solve the problem of humidity and evaporation in the warehouse, and control the temperature, humidity and air quality of the appropriate range. Timely washing of the ventilation system pipes, maintenance of timely replacement of air.

4Poor access

Evacuation routes for personnel are critical in the event of fires, leaks and other safety hazards in cold storage. Poor evacuation channels may cause people to run and step, blocking and other situations, which can easily cause panic and aggravate the consequences of accidents. Therefore, reasonable evacuation plans and emergency rescue measures should be developed for different sites

Post time: Jun-19-2023