Causes of compressor oil deterioration

1. Mixing of oil and water

Moisture is mixed in the refrigerator oil. If due to improper operation of the water into the refrigeration system, and the mixing of freezer oil, will reduce the viscosity of the freezer oil, reducing the lubricating properties of the oil.

2, high temperature oxidation

Freezer oil oxidation at high temperatures. When the compressor exhaust temperature is high, not only the viscosity of the oil down and affect its lubricating properties, but also may cause the oil oxidation deterioration. Especially poor thermal stability of the freezer oil in the high temperature environment around the exhaust valve plate decomposition of free carbon, resulting in the valve plate is not closed tightly, so that the compressor gas transmission coefficient decreased.

3, mixed impurities

Off the casting sand, metal shavings reduce the quality of the freezer oil, in addition to poor-quality gasket sealing rubber ring will also aggravate the deterioration of oil aging.

4, the oil does not match

Due to poor operating skills and other reasons, so that different grades of freezer oil mixed use if the two contain different properties of the antioxidant additives of freezer oil mixed together may produce chemical changes, the formation of deposits, seriously affecting the compressor lubricating properties and even destroy the formation of oil film.

Post time: Sep-13-2023