Air source heat pump winter frost prevention approach

1. Strengthen the pipeline insulation effect pipeline warming is very important, the exposed water pipes in the external environment will cool down when the temperature drops.

2. Do not disconnect the unit, water system air source heat pump heating, water as the intermediate medium for heat transfer. If normal, the equipment has an anti-freeze function, when the water temperature is low to a certain temperature, the equipment will automatically start to prevent the equipment and pipeline icing.

3. Condensate should be properly handled, air source heat pump in the process of heating, there will be a large number of condensation I water discharge. If there is a slight negligence in the discharge of condensate, then the condensate is discharged outward through the pipeline, and it will flow to the ground, and if the temperature is below zero, the condensate will easily freeze, and it is possible that the drain pipe will freeze, and then climb up along the drain pipe, and finally lead to the equipment can not operate normally, to be

Regularly clean up the condensate. 4. Add ethanol alcohol in the system water solution, add the concentration of more than 90% or 95% ethanol alcohol to increase the anti-freezing properties. Add the number, depending on the local minimum temperature, such as 100 liters of water capacity to add 1 kg of alcohol, its anti-freeze index is -1 , add 5 kg of alcohol anti-freeze index is -5 . The use of ethanol added to the system for antifreeze, need to pay attention to the amount of water can not be more than I over 40% of the total water system.

5. Add antifreeze in the system, such as -15 ° C ° C, -25 ° C ° C antifreeze, but due to the high price of antifreeze, will increase the cost of the initial investment. In the use of antifreeze, must pay attention to not use cheap, such as methanol blended antifreeze, corrosive to the pipeline, will be on the valve, pipe fittings, pumps, unit heat exchanger to cause greater harm.

Post time: Jan-24-2024